Adjective | Verwandte Übersetzungen | Weitere Übersetzungen |
just like; like
annoying; at; awkward; bothersome; disagreeable; dismal; for; inconvenient; miserable; naseaus; nasty; nauseous; rotten; sick; sickly; to; towards; unpleasant; unwelcome; wretched
Adverb | Verwandte Übersetzungen | Weitere Übersetzungen |
as; just like; like; such as
as; as much; ditto; equally; in the same way as; just as; likewise; the same
Modifier | Verwandte Übersetzungen | Weitere Übersetzungen |
and also; as much; as well as; equally; just as; just like
also; and also; as also; as well; as well as; at the same time; too
and also; as much; as well as; equally; just as; just like
also; and also; as also; as well; as well as; at the same time; too
and also; as much; as well as; equally; just as; just like
also; and also; as also; as well; as well as; at the same time; too
in overeenstemming met
as; just like; like; such as
according to; as per; in accordance with
net als
just like
net zo
as; just like; like; such as
just like; like
zowel als
as; just like; like; such as
both and